Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sunday Dinner Doesn't HAVE to be on Sunday!

Last Sunday was our church anniversary and we were going to be at church all day,so we had Sunday Dinner,Sat. night. After checking with the family, we decided that we still wanted to get together. It's not always about the day, sometimes it's about the time. My son-in-law shopped, marinated and grilled steaks and my daughter baked potatoes and made salad. My brother, who had to work that Sat., and his family ,decided not to join us. Sometimes that will happen , and that's ok. We still missed them .We set the table and enjoyed a great meal with great conversation as we caught up on the week. Simple ,delicious and together!
After morning worship the next day on Sunday , the congregation was invited into the fellowship hall for a delicious dinner. As a member on the church anniversary committee, I put on an my apron and started serving. We served brisket , fried chicken, green beans,macaroni and cheese, fruit salad, potato salad , a roll and lemonade. Of course there were several delicious desserts.There was so much food that people started packing  up food to take home. Because my family was there also, it was just like Sunday dinner with a really large group of family. After eating, we all went back into the Sanctuary for our afternoon service. My neices , who are eight and nine years old, were part of the praise team, so we were all there to praise the whole team for their performance.
After a spirit-filled afternoon of worship at our church , my youngest son , now 25 ,and I got in the car and drove  to another church for their Choir Annual Program. It was an awesome day! I remember when I was MADE to spend all day in church and here I was a WILLING participant! How did that happen? Oh well ,"Train up a child in the way they should go and when they grow up...Well you know the rest! We can only hope and pray!

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